While we have clients across the country and all over the world, our home base is in Chicago. And here in Chicago, we got our first real snow dusting last night. There’s something magical about that first snow, albeit less than a quarter inch high, and mostly gone by the afternoon. My kids ran out of their rooms before the sun rose, threw on jackets, shoes, and hats and had to just get outside and taste the stuff. If you are from the Midwest, you know what I’m talking about; basically any snow before Christmas/the New Year is pure wonder- after that it’s just nasty, cold and dreary until the Spring thaw. But for now, let’s focus on the magic.
For small businesses, startups and craft breweries- taking your pie-in-the-sky idea and giving it flesh and bones comes with a certain element of magic. If your business has been around awhile- take some time to think back to the beginning. Similar to a first snow, the first time you sell your product, onboard a client, tap your first keg line, hire your first employee, get the proper licensure- all of these things are magical. Adrenaline is pumping and all of your firsts keep you thriving and growing, keep you wanting more. If you aren’t there yet, just wait, cause amidst the grit and hard work, it’s coming.
So often it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day of running your business- especially if you are an owner or going it alone without much support The bills come in and employees call in sick; orders get messed up or tap lines break. All these things slowly dim the sparkle and it’s easy to forget why you started this whole adventure in the first place. We forget the big picture and keep our noses to the ground, just hoping for the day when we turn a profit. All these things will happen, but take some time and remember. Don’t forget to bask in the magic- even create something new. Keep thinking big and encourage others to think big too- it’s what got you started in the first place. Remember as the year comes to a close that some of your fellow journeymen are experiencing the glow for the first time, while others may need some help to see the spark again. Stick out your tongue and catch that first snowflake again; experience the magic. #thinkbigshopsmall #raiseyourmug
by Jamie Engelhardt- Operations and Marketing Manager